Google voice保号 3个月有效期

最近Google voice回收期从6个月变3个月。如果属实,Google voice的回收期从9个月不主动使用,变为6个月不主动使用,又变成3个月呢?

看了下Google voice的支持文档中心,确实有变为3个月,不过暂时我还没测试,等测试了确定了再告诉大家吧。如果GV靓号自己非常喜欢,建议买永久。

Google voice回收政策

Account Inactivity

Google may reclaim your Google Voice number (if you have one) if you have not placed or answered calls, or sent or opened text messages for a period of 3 months. We will not reclaim numbers that have been ported into Google Voice or made permanent.


